Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mitt Romney Sings America the Beautiful, Awkwardness Ensues

Mitt Romney looking stiff, forced and a little awkward? There's a stunner!

We kid, Mitt. While we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, as the GOP presidential hopeful reminds us, most of us are not endowed with singing abilities.

In that respect, Mitt Romney ... He's just like us!

The Republican often delves into a monologue on the campaign trail about the greatness of America as seen through the lyrics of "America the Beautiful."

In Iowa, for instance, he said that the "amber waves of grain" were corn; in Florida, he tied the "spacious skies" to the state's role in space exploration.

Typically, Romney will talk-sing the lyrics, but he must have had a second cup of coffee this week, as he actually burst into song in The Villages, Fla.

The crowd of mostly senior citizens  sang along. The press, drummed into submission by most campaign speeches, wondered, "Was this happening?"

It was, and on the Tonight Show last night, Michelle Obama described Romney’s singing as “beautiful” and said the song should be sung by everyone.

Classy lady. But can Mitt hold a candle to Barack singing Al Green?!

Who's the better singer of these 2012 candidates?


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