Sunday, August 11, 2013

Advice on Living With Adult Children - Talk About Marriage

The Family & Parenting Forums Family dynamics can be exactly that - dynamic! Post here about family related issues such as parenting, blended families, step-families, new relationships with children involved, family of origin issues, in-laws or sibling issues.

Old Today, 09:16 PM ? #7 (permalink)

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I'm sorry to say, but you trained your new husband that it was okay to walk all over you. If he can walk all over you, and his son knows this, why wouldn't he go running to daddy every time he has a 'problem'.

I really don't understand how you can be happy in a marriage where the other side has absolutely no respect for you. It's clear that you know it and feel it, because you wouldn't be here .. but my real question to you is this.

Why aren't you standing up for yourself? Why do you want to be with someone who isn't concerned about what you are and are not okay with? You've said it yourself. The thing is, this has nothing to do with your son in law and everything to do with your husband.

It's a complete cop out to say you had no choice in the son in law moving in, a cry of playing victim. Everyone has a choice. If your husband didn't like or agree to a set plan in regards to paying rent or doing something around YOUR home to maintain it, why wasn't his arse shown the door?

From the outside looking in, the husband pays for nothing of the household and sometimes 'helps with groceries'. He gets to spend money on the 'fun stuff' like vacations, but doesn't have to spend money on a household? He in turn, feeds that complete upside down view on life to his son.

It boggles my mind.


Today I'm leaving this bullsh?t one horse town
Full of cowboys and Indians
Who only have balls when there's a camera around

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