Thursday, March 7, 2013

Amplify Tablet is an Android machine custom-built for education

Amplify Tablet is an Android machine custombuilt for education

News Corp rebranded its educational unit as Amplify in July. Since then the Joel Klein-headed company has been working with AT&T to develop a tablet expressly designed for the K-12 educational market. After months of testing the Amplify Tablet, an unspecified 10-inch Android slate loaded with custom software, is ready for its official debut. Lots of things have changed since we first caught a glimpse of the project many months ago. For one, the UI has been completely redesigned to be clean, modern and simple. The new look is much more inline with Google's Holo, with extensive use of action overflow buttons, the sharing menu and solid blocks of color-coded material. The default home page offers a grid of app icons, but it also displays student information and lists "notebooks" on the right hands side. Those notebooks deliver quick access to different subjects for students, but they also give teachers direct links to materials for their classes, categorized not just by subject, but also by period. Klein and company don't stop at simple organizational tools and reference materials, however.

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Where To Find Good Deals On Video Games ...

By Mishel Roserberg

Gaming is taking over the world. It?s a great way to relax and spend some time doing something you love. What?s great about it is that there?s something for everyone to enjoy. This article has some tips on how to get more out of your video gaming experience.

Play demos before making a purchase. That way, you won?t waste money on games you end up not enjoying. It can also give you a bit of practice before you purchase the game and get started. Use the opportunity to play demos and you will be glad you did.

Staff at game retailers are the best to ask for advice. You might have a genre in mind, but aren?t sure of whats new. The salesperson usually knows enough to give you some ideas of what games are in the category that you like.

Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. Most of the time, an adult can configure the system to prevent young children from getting into anything not meant specifically for their age group. There may even be options for you to individualize the control settings as well.

Make good use of any parental controls offered by games. It?s also wise to find out if the game is able to be played online. If it can be, limit the Internet access your children have. Also, keep close tabs on their friend request and monitor their play.

Take a few breaks when you start playing a game that you?re not able to step away from easily. Beware of getting overly addicted to games because there can be adverse health effects. Playing and practicing a game is something that should be fun. If you feel that you are becoming a video game addict, then you may want to bring this up to your doctor.

For modern gamers, one of the biggest questions to answer is whether you want to do your gaming on a console or a computer. While some titles are released exclusively to one set of hardware, many of the most popular games appear on a wide variety of platforms. Some games are simpler to play on a computer, while others are better on a console.

Don?t discard old, used video games just because you don?t play them any longer. Many retailers will give you a cash or store credit payout for your games. Use the money from your trade-in towards a new game.

You can easily talk to other gamers on the Internet. This can allow you to socialize and interact with other people during your game. Online gaming forums are great for socializing and improving at the video games you play.

Buying a new video game can be a very complex and challenging decision. You might waste a lot of money on a game you end up hating. Check online reviews first, and buy it if you like what you read.

You can get exercise by playing video games. Using the console?s motion sensors, video game workouts have become quite popular. This means that you can now play games with your body, and the available titles range from many popular sports to doing things like yoga. You can get in shape at home doing this.

Try different game types. A lot of people that play games think they only are good at one kind of game, like RPGs or FPS games. Playing different genres of video games helps make your experience more enjoyable.

Only play video games for a couple of hours each day. Some people are prone to video game addictions, so watch the amount of time you spend in gaming activities. You should only play games a couple of hours each day. If you play more than that, take a break every few hours.

Before you allow your children to play a video game, ensure you know its rating. Violence is involved in some video games and these are reserved for players over the age of 18. Violence can give your children the wrong values, which may show later in life. If a game is violent, it can have negative affects on sleep and behavior of young kids.

Engage in gaming with your children. Experiencing the game play together gives you a great chance to learn about your child and their interests. Having things in common with your kids is a great way to engage in more conversation. Also, you can gear their development with the games that you choose.

Video gaming can be exciting, relaxing and rewarding. It will help you learn quite a bit, help you feel accomplished or just waste a bit of time. No matter what kinds of video games you enjoy, the tips presented here will surely help you enjoy them more.

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Advanced breast cancer increasing among young women | MNN ...

The percentage of young women ?in the U.S. who have advanced breast cancer has increased slightly in recent decades, according to a new study.


Between 1976 and 2009, the rate of metastatic breast cancer (cancer that has spread to distant organs such as bones or the brain) among women ages 25 to 39 increased by about 2 percent each year, the study found.


While this increase is small ? it translates to about 1.4 extra cases per 100,000 people over a 34-year period ? it shows no signs of tapering off, the researchers said.


Because this is the first time researchers have seen an increase in advanced breast cancer in the U.S., the findings will need to be confirmed by future studies. But if real, the results are particularly alarming because young women with advanced breast cancer have a low survival rate (about 31 percent of them survive five years). What's more, young women are not advised to receive breast cancer screening unless they have a family history of the disease, the researchers said.


The reason for the increase is also not clear, and will need to be investigated further, ?said study researcher Dr. Rebecca Johnson of Seattle Children's Hospital.


Breast cancer in young women is less common than it is in older women: about 1 in 227 American women will develop the disease before age 30; 1 in 42 will be diagnosed with it by age 50; and 1 in 28 will develop it by age 60, according to the National Cancer Institute.


In the new study, Johnson and colleagues analyzed information on breast cancer incidence using databases from the National Cancer Institute.


The researchers found that the rate of metastatic breast cancer among women ages 25 to 39 increased from 1.53 cases per 100,000 people in 1976 to 2.90 cases per 100,000 people in 2009. The biggest increase was seen during the most recent decade. Among all young women with breast cancer, the proportion diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer increased from 4.4 percent in the 1970s to 5.5 percent in the 1990s and 7.2 percent in the 2000s.


By contrast, there was no increase in early-stage breast cancer in young women, or breast cancer of any stage in older women, the researchers said.


A possible reason for the new increase could be that what doctors call metastatic breast cancer is being diagnosed at a different stage now than it used to be. But if that were the case, we would expect to see decreases in the number of women diagnosed with earlier stages of breast cancer, which has not happened, Johnson said.


The researchers examined existing studies to see if they could find an environmental factor that changed during the same period when the increase occurred, but couldn't find one, Johnson said. The increase in obesity in recent years has been a significant change, but earlier studies actually found a decreased risk of breast cancer in obese young women. If the increase is real, it's likely that more than one factor is responsible, Johnson said.


A 2007 study in Switzerland also detected an increase in breast cancer among young women. Data supporting an increase in breast cancer in young women may have to come from other countries, as the largest database documenting cancer incidence in the United States only goes back to the 1970s, Johnson said.



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This story was originally written for MyHealthNewsDaily and was republished with permission here. Copyright 2013 MyHealthNewsDaily, a TechMediaNetwork company.


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China to stress social wellbeing over growth

BEIJING (AP) ? China's government promised its people Tuesday deficit-fueled spending to fight corruption, improve the despoiled environment and address other quality-of-life issues that a growing number of Chinese are demanding.

In a speech outlining government plans at the opening of the annual National People's Congress, outgoing Premier Wen Jiabao signaled that leaders would no longer emphasize growth at all costs and would down-shift development to put priority on social programs.

"We must make ensuring and improving people's wellbeing the starting point and goal of all the government's work, give entire priority to it, and strive to strengthen social development," said Wen, who will step down at the end of the legislative session.

The session will complete China's once-a-decade leadership transition that began with a Communist Party congress in November that appointed Xi Jinping as party leader and as the country's new chief along with a new cohort of leaders in the Politburo. Xi will formally be named president, replacing outgoing Hu Jintao, during the 13-day session.

Wen's address, though given by the outgoing premier, and the accompanying budget presented by the government Tuesday are consensus documents approved by the new leadership and reflect Xi's priorities.

Overall government spending will increase 10 percent to 13.8 trillion yuan ($2.2 trillion) helped by a 50 percent increase in the coming year's fiscal deficit. Defense spending will increase 10.7 percent to 720 billion yuan ? a slight slowdown from last year's increase of 11.2 percent.

There was special emphasis on reducing energy consumption, improving conservation and solving the country's serious air, soil and water pollution.

"In response to people's expectations of having a good living environment, we should greatly strengthen ecological improvement and environmental protection," Wen said. "The state of the ecological environment affects the level of the people's wellbeing and also posterity and the future of our nation."

Hundreds of soldiers, police and plainclothes security officers, equipped with fire extinguishers and anti-explosive blankets, ringed the Great Hall of the People and the adjacent Tiananmen Square for the opening session.


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Family: California woman denied CPR wanted no intervention

Gosia Wozniacka / AP

Shown is the main gate of Glenwood Gardens in Bakersfield, Calif., Monday March 4, 2013, where an elderly woman died after a nurse refused to perform CPR on her last week.


By Tracie Cone, The Associated Press

A woman who died after a nurse at her elder home refused to provide CPR had chosen to live in a facility without medical staff and wanted to pass away without life-prolonging intervention, her family said Tuesday.

Lorraine Bayless' family said in a statement to The Associated Press that it does not plan to sue the independent living facility where the 87-year-old woman died last week.

A 911 tape recounts a dramatic conversation between a dispatcher and a nurse who refused to cooperate with pleas for someone to start CPR as firefighters sped to the scene. In the 7-minute, 16-second exchange, the dispatcher insisted the nurse perform CPR or find someone willing to do it.

The home's parent company said in a statement that the employee wrongly interpreted company policy when she declined to offer aide.

"This incident resulted from a complete misunderstanding of our practice with regards to emergency medical care for our residents. Glenwood Gardens is conducting a full internal investigation," Brookdale Senior Living said, adding that the employee was on voluntary leave during the process.

City fire officials say Bayless did not have a "do not resuscitate" order on file at the home. Her family said, however, "it was our beloved mother and grandmother's wish to die naturally and without any kind of life-prolonging intervention."

Glenwood Gardens is an independent living facility, and company officials say no medical staff is employed there. The woman who identified herself as a nurse to the dispatcher was employed at the facility as a resident services director, the company said.

The nurse's decision has prompted multiple state and local investigations at Glenwood Gardens in Bakersfield.

The California attorney general was "aware" of the incident, said a spokeswoman, Lynda Gledhill. Bakersfield police were trying to determine whether a crime was committed when the nurse refused to assist the 911 dispatcher looking for someone to start CPR.

The nation's largest trade group for senior living facilities has called for its members to review policies that employees might interpret as edicts to not cooperate with emergency responders.

"It was a complete tragedy," said Maribeth Bersani, senior vice president of the Assisted Living Federation of America. "Our members are now looking at their policies to make sure they are clear. Whether they have one to initiate (CPR) or not, they should be responsive to what the 911 person tells them to do."

Bayless collapsed in the Glenwood Gardens dining hall on Feb. 26. Someone called 911 on a cellphone asking for an ambulance to be sent and eventually a woman who identified herself as a nurse got on the line.

It's crucial that all family members are on the same page when choosing an assisted living facility for their loved ones ? and when considering end-of-life directives. NBC's Dr. Nancy Snyderman reports.

Brookdale Senior Living said in a statement that the woman on the 911 call was "serving in the capacity of a resident services director, not a nurse."

The Tennessee-based parent company also said that by law, the independent living facility is "not licensed to provide medical care to any of its residents." But it added later that it was reviewing company policies "involving emergency medical care across all of our communities."

Bayless' family said she was aware that Glenwood Gardens did not offer trained medical staff, yet opted to live there anyway.

"We understand that the 911 tape of this event has caused concern, but our family knows that mom had full knowledge of the limitations of Glenwood Gardens and is at peace," the family's statement said.

The death shines a light on the varying medical care that different types of elderly housing provide ? differences that consumers may not be aware of, advocates say.

Even if independent living homes lack trained medical staff, some say they should be ready to perform basic services such as CPR if needed.

The California Board of Registered Nursing is concerned that the woman who spoke to the 911 dispatcher did not respond to requests to provide aid or to find someone who might want to help.

"If she's not engaged in the practice of nursing, there's no obligation (to help)," agency spokesman Russ Heimerich said. "What complicates this further is the idea that she wouldn't hand the phone over either. So that's why we want to look into it."

"I would certainly hope someone would choose human life over a facility policy, said Robyn Grant, director of public policy and advocacy at the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care. "That's pretty rotten."

The family said it would not sue or try to profit from the death, and called it "a lesson we can all learn from."

"We regret that this private and most personal time has been escalated by the media," the statement said.

? 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Digital memories fade in death; protect yourself

Estate planning attorney James Lamm who writes the blog "Digital Passing" advises people to plan ahead for their virtual afterlives. Your best bet is to make sure valuable memories and intellectual property are stored somewhere besides a social media account ? so back up your photos on a USB flash drive.

Still, given the prevalence of social media in today's world, Lamm advises these four steps as a sort of digital estate planning guide to help ensure your wishes are carried out ? even though, he says, with the law as it stands currently, there are no guarantees.

?KEEP A LIST: Make a list of all your digital accounts including social media, email, online banking, investment, gaming and any other virtual profile you can think of. Include your login information, such as usernames and passwords, and encryption data.

?PUT SOMEONE IN CHARGE: Tell your estate planner where to find that list and give that person explicit instructions for how you want the information handled. Do they hit the delete button? Or do they notify the company to memorialize your site?

Don't ask this decision-maker to commit a crime by logging in to your accounts, but if the law changes in the future this step could make it more likely your wishes are fulfilled.

?WILL POWER: If you have a will, it's best to include your digital assets there. Some online information has real financial value, and it's good to cover all your assets. A McAffee survey found that on average Americans believe the financial and emotional value of their digital assets are worth about $55,000.

?HOPE FOR THE BEST: Sometimes, you can do everything right and still not get the results you want. Until there is more legal clarification, you just have to do everything you can and hope that it works out.


Reach James Lamm at

Associated Press


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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Deadly Attacks Precede Tense Kenya Vote (Voice Of America)

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Family of Missing Girl Asks Her to Come Home

Posted: Sun 5:34 PM, Mar 03, 2013

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A 16-year old Augusta county girl is still missing. Her family is trying to make sense of her disappearance.

Jennifer Romero isn't the type of girl to just disappear. She doesn't party and comes home right after school. That's why her father, Ronald Flores, says Saturday morning was very scary.

"My little girl, she went to her bedroom, to wake her up," he said. "She wasn't there. There was some stuff from her bedroom that was missing. Clothes, perfumes."

No one heard Jennifer leave in the middle of the night. No one knows where she went or who she left with. She's had her phone off and even deactivated her Facebook account.

Investigators were able to find out she had a boyfriend listed. It's the only lead they have.

"We don't know if she ran away with the boyfriend or what happened with her," said Flores. "Sometimes the Facebook, especially for teenagers, that's a really dangerous thing."

There was an initial thought Jennifer could be in a very dangerous part of Arlington. That changed with further investigation.

A family argument on Thursday could have prompted Jennifer to run away. Fearing the worst case scenario, Jennifer's Spanish-speaking mother Vilma is in shock.

"She feels really bad because she feels without her, her life is not a life," said Flores, translating his wife's words.

It's been well over 24 hours and Jennifer's sisters Yalinelis and Estrellita are starting to miss her dearly. They showed out reporter a doll, hoping memories of Jennifer's Quincea?era could prompt her to come home.

"She's my biggest sister and I love her so much," said Estrellita. "She's my only big sister. I don't know what to say to her. I just love her so much."

The only thing Jennifer's family can do is wait and hope for some sign that she is okay and wants to come home.

Flores again translates his wife's tearful plea.

"Please come back. We are waiting for you."

Investigators at the Augusta County Sheriff's Office are asking that anyone with any information call them as soon as possible at (540) 245-5333.


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Monday, March 4, 2013

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Trace your family tree during Old Saybrook class - The Middletown ...

OLD SAYBROOK >> A five-session beginner?s class in genealogy is offered by the Old Saybrook Historical Society on Thursday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m. on March 12, 19, 26, April 2 and 9.

Sessions will be held at the society?s archives. The class, ?Learn How to Trace Your Family Tree,? will introduce participants to genealogy records, useful forms for record keeping, interviewing relatives, interviewing techniques, where to find and how to use vital statistics, military and church records, immigration and naturalization records, probate and land records, online databases and genealogy programs.

The instructor is Gregory E. Thompson, a professional genealogist specializing in Early American and Native American Research. Cost is $65 for historical society members and includes all materials and $75 for others, which includes a free one-year membership in the society.

Space limited. For more information or to register, call the Old Saybrook Historical Society at (860) 395-1635.


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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Star Tribune poll: Most Minnesotans want tax hike only on wealthy (Star Tribune)

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Sri Lanka University & Campus News - ????? ???? ????? ...

The Sri Lankan Government?s main target is to meet the target of making Sri Lanka the Asia?s Knowledge Hub by the year 2020. Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa made this reference joining in a discussion held at the Higher Education Ministry on the manner in which the 2013/2015 medium term should be implemented based on the Mahinda Chinthana policy.?

Attention was drawn to at this discussion with regard to the inclusion of topics which are of significance to the present era. The President took the initiative of finding on the spot solutions to problems experienced in this field. The President said that research of University lecturers beneficial to the country should be made use of via various Government institutions.

The President said that there are 17 Universities?and 41 Research Institutes. This should be affiliated to national development. As an example the President recalled how a University lecturer told him of the success they had achieved in a research conducted at the Coconut Research Institute, for the insect that was harming coconut trees and that there was no need to cut down the affected tree, but it was not been used by the institutes. This he attributed to the links that are not being maintained by the two sides. An initiative should be taken to have some coordination between the Universities and development.
Universities in Sri Lanka have been upgraded in world rankings. The President emphasized that this should be further enhanced. It was underscored at this discussion that in addition to the establishment of University villages, concepts such as building knowledge towns should be put into action. The President issued instructions to further improve facilities in Universities.
The President also launched the new websites of the Higher Education Ministry and also introduced the hotline 1918 of the Education Ministry.

President Rajapaksa said allocations for higher education and the uplift of the universities should be utilised properly.?"Academic staff should be provided the latest knowledge. Universities should be converted to research and experiment centres. Then only the university education links with the ever - changing and advancing world," he said.

President Rajapaksa told the authorities to take measures to solve drinking water and hostel issues at universities.?A graduate should be job - oriented and equipped to take up any challenge in the competitive environment, the President said.

He said a graduate should be a person of quality, equipped with multiple skills and capable of taking the country forward.

He said there should be a link between universities and other institutions engaged in research and development.?"The academic staff should also be dedicated to create a capable student community enriched with knowledge and skills. Universities and academic staff are path finders to the modern world," the President said.

He said modern undergraduate courses should be introduced to the university system with immediate effect including petroleum technology, space science, aeronautical engineering, robotic etc.?


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Actress Bonnie Franklin of TV's "One Day at a Time" dead at 69

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actress Bonnie Franklin, best known for her starring role as a single, working mother on the hit CBS comedy "One Day at a Time," in an era when U.S. television was redefining families in pop culture, died on Friday at age 69.

She died at her Los Angeles home of complications from pancreatic cancer, surrounded by relatives and friends, according to a statement issued by the CBS network on behalf of her family.

Franklin, a petite redhead, had acted on Broadway before being cast as the harried divorcee Ann Romano in "One Day at a Time," which debuted in December 1975 and ran for nine seasons on CBS. It co-starred Valerie Bertinelli and Mackenzie Phillips as her two head-strong daughters.

"My heart is breaking," Bertinelli, who played the younger daughter, Barbara, said in a statement. "Bonnie has always been one of the most important women in my life and was a second mother to me."

"She taught me how to navigate this business and life itself with grace and humor, and to always be true to myself. I will miss her terribly," Bertinelli added.

Franklin's performance on the series garnered her an Emmy nomination in 1982. She previously earned a Theatre World Award and a Tony nomination for her Broadway debut work in the 1970 musical "Applause," in which she sang the title song.

During a career spanning six decades, she starred in more than 30 television series and made-for-TV movies while continuing her work in live theater. But she was best remembered for her work on the Norman Lear-produced sitcom "One Day at a Time."

The show was an instant ratings success and became a cultural landmark for its portrait of a family that departed from the idealized sitcom households of earlier decades, like those on "Leave It to Beaver" (1957-1963) and "Father Knows Best" (1954-1960).

By the time "One Day at a Time" premiered at the end of 1975, even the happy blended family of "The Brady Bunch" (1969-1974) had become obsolete.


Franklin played a divorced mother - a rarity on U.S. TV at the time - who was struggling to raise her daughters in an Indianapolis apartment with little help from their father, while striving for a fulfilling personal life of her own.

"Ms. Franklin helped define and illuminate the role of single, working mothers within the cultural landscape," CBS said in its statement.

The show delved into drama as it followed their day-to-day lives, dealing with teen sex, suicide, runaways, sexual harassment and other contemporary topics that never would have come up at the Cleavers' dinner table on "Leave It to Beaver."

Adding comic relief was the meddlesome building superintendent, Dwayne Schneider - his first name was almost never mentioned - played by Pat Harrington Jr., who becomes virtually part of the family.

Unlike the character she played, Franklin had no children of her own. Born in Santa Monica, she was the fourth of five children of immigrant parents - a Romanian mother and Italian father - and made her television debut at age 9 on "The Colgate Comedy Hour," an NBC variety show in the 1950s.

"To my mother, getting married and having kids were synonymous with security," Franklin said in a 1977 interview with Family Weekly. "I used to tell her that was not always so, but I couldn't convince her. Then I got married, divorced, the series came along, it was a hit, and something remarkable happened: She came around to my point of view."

"She said to me, 'It's wonderful. You can have a personal life and earn money for your old age,'" Franklin recalled.

Franklin helped hold the "One Day at a Time" cast together amid off-camera tensions. Phillips, who played older daughter Julie, battled serious drug problems during the show's run and was fired after getting arrested on cocaine charges, showing up late and incoherent, and undergoing drug rehab.

Franklin directed some episodes of the show and also later directed an episode of the sitcom "Charles in Charge."

She appeared last year on the daytime drama "The Young and the Restless" and in 2011 made a guest appearance on the TV Land cable channel's sitcom "Hot in Cleveland," co-starring Bertinelli.

Her family disclosed last September that Franklin was being treated for pancreatic cancer.

Franklin's first marriage ended in divorce. She married producer Marvin Minoff in 1980, and they remained together until his death in 2009.

(Reporting by Will Dunham and Steve Gorman; Editing by Bill Trott, Cynthia Johnston, Martin Golan and Lisa Shumaker)


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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Two car bombs at cattle market kill five in southern Iraq

DIWANIYA, Iraq (Reuters) - Two blasts at a busy cattle market in a mainly Shi'ite city in southern Iraq on Friday killed at least 5 people and injured dozens more, police and medics said, as Iraq's precarious sectarian balance comes under growing strain.

No one claimed responsibility for the attacks immediately, but Sunni Muslim insurgents have been redoubling their efforts to undermine the Shi'ite-led government and spark deeper intercommunal fighting since the start of the year.

Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's power-sharing government has been all but paralyzed since U.S. troops withdrew in December 2011.

Cows and calves were lying on the ground, covered in blood and dirt after the two car bombs were detonated simultaneously at the market in Diwaniya, 150 km (95 miles) south of the capital Baghdad.

"I came to buy some calves and was checking them when the explosion happened, I threw myself on the ground, then the second explosion happened," Jassim Khalid, a butcher at the scene told Reuters.

Friday's blasts followed a series of explosions targeting Shi'ite neighborhoods of Baghdad late on Thursday in which at least 22 people were killed.

Iraq is calmer than in the communal bloodletting of 2006-2007, but there are concerns the war in neighboring Syria, where mainly Sunni rebels are fighting to oust President Bashar al-Assad, an ally of Shi'ite Iran, is pushing Iraq back towards sectarian strife.

(Reporting by Imad al-Khuzaie, writing by Suadad al-Salhy, Editing by Isabel Coles and Patrick Graham)


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Ceremony for Monitor sailors stirs familial ties

FILE This Monday Aug. 5, 2002 file photo shows the turret of the Civil War ironclad USS Monitor is lifted out of the ocean off the coast of Hatteras NC. A century and a half after the USS Monitor sank, the interment of remains of two unknown sailors found in the Civil War ironclad?s turret is bringing together nearly 100 people from Maine to California who have a distant familial tie to the 16 Union sailors who died when the ship went down. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

FILE This Monday Aug. 5, 2002 file photo shows the turret of the Civil War ironclad USS Monitor is lifted out of the ocean off the coast of Hatteras NC. A century and a half after the USS Monitor sank, the interment of remains of two unknown sailors found in the Civil War ironclad?s turret is bringing together nearly 100 people from Maine to California who have a distant familial tie to the 16 Union sailors who died when the ship went down. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

FILE - This Tuesday March, 6, 2012 file photo shows the phases of facial reconstruction of two sailors of the Civil War ironclad USS Monitor are seen in the auditorium of the US Navy Memorial in Washington. A century and a half after the USS Monitor sank, the interment of remains of two unknown sailors found in the Civil War ironclad?s turret is bringing together nearly 100 people from Maine to California who have a distant familial tie to the 16 Union sailors who died when the ship went down. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

FILE - In this March 6, 2012 file photo, phases of facial reconstruction of the two sailors of the Civil War ironclad USS Monitor, older is at left, are on display in the auditorium of the United States Navy Memorial in Washington. The remains of the two unknown Union sailors recovered from the Civil War ironclad USS Monitor will be interred in Arlington National Cemetery on March 8. A century and a half after the USS Monitor sank, the interment of remains of two unknown sailors found in the Civil War ironclad?s turret is bringing together nearly 100 people from Maine to California who have a distant familial tie to the 16 Union sailors who died when the ship went down. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

(AP) ? A century and a half after USS Monitor sank, the interment of two unknown crewmen found in the Civil War ironclad's turret is bringing together people from across the country with distant but powerful ties to those who died aboard.

The ceremony Friday at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington will include Monitor kin who believe the two sailors ? whose remains were discovered in 2002 ? are their ancestors, despite DNA testing that has failed to make a conclusive link. But the families stress that the interment pays homage to all 16 Union sailors who died when the ship went down, and nearly 100 people from Maine to California are expected to attend.

"When I learned they were going to do a memorial and have the burial at Arlington, it was like, 'I can't miss that,'" said Andy Bryan of Holden, Maine, who will travel with his daughter Margaret to the capital. He said DNA testing found a 50 percent likelihood that Monitor crewman William Bryan, his great-great-great-uncle, was one of the two found in the summer of 2002, when the 150-ton turret was raised from the ocean floor off Cape Hatteras, N.C.

"If it's not William Bryan, I'm OK with that," Bryan said. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and I feel like I should be there."

The same holds true for Diana Rambo of Fresno, Calif. She said her mother, Jane Nicklis Rowland, was told of the ceremony for Monitor crewman Jacob Nicklis a week before her death in December, at age 90. He was Rowland's great-uncle. That, Rambo said, makes the interment especially poignant.

Rambo, too, suspects Nicklis was one of the two in the turret. "We know he was on the ship," she said. "We know he was one of the 16."

Two weeks ago, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said the two would probably be the last Navy personnel from the Civil War to be buried at Arlington. He'll speak at the interment. "It's important we honor these brave men and all they represent as we reflect upon the significant role Monitor and her crew had in setting the course of our modern Navy," he said.

The ceremony is scheduled on the 151st anniversary of the Battle of Hampton Roads. On March 8, 1862, the Brooklyn-made Monitor fought the CSS Virginia in the first battle between two ironclads. The Virginia, built on the carcass of the U.S. Navy frigate USS Merrimack, was the Confederate answer to the Union's ironclad ships. The two-day battle ended in a draw.

The Monitor sank about nine months later in rough seas southeast of Cape Hatteras while under tow by the USS Rhode Island. Dubbed a "cheese box on a raft," the Monitor was not designed for rough water. Sixteen of the Monitor's 62 crew members died. The crew of the Rhode Island was able to rescue about 50 people. Most of the dead were lost at sea. The wreck was discovered in 1973.

Retired Navy Capt. Barbara "Bobbie" Scholley was commanding officer of the team about 40 divers who descended to the Monitor wreck in 2002. The turret was upside down and filled with coal, sand and silt that had hardened into a solid mass. Divers chipped away until the turret could be lifted.

"We knew there was a good chance we would find sailors in the turret because they would escape that way," said Scholley, who will travel from her home in Annapolis, Md., for the Arlington ceremony.

"I think everybody realized, yes, this is a piece of history, but it's more than that," Scholley said of the mood among divers, archeologists and others on a support barge when the remains were found. "These are men who fought for us and died for us, and here they are and we're bringing them home. It was very powerful."

The turret has gone through restoration and is on display at the USS Monitor Center of The Mariners' Museum in Newport News.

Meanwhile, in a longshot bid to identify the remains, the skulls of the sailors found in the turret were used to reconstruct their faces about a year ago.

Some families whose ancestors had served on the Monitor came forward ? including Rambo's mother and Bryan ? but DNA testing did not produce a conclusive match.

But some are confident their own detective work has sealed the family links to the two found in the turret.

Gaydee Gardner, Rambo's sister, said it's surreal to know "I am a blood relative to Jacob ... a 21-year-old kid off to sea on the first ironclad, whose president was Abraham Lincoln." She will travel from Rancho Mirage, Calif., for the ceremony in memory of "a kid who must have been terrified during his final hours."

Bryan said the Navy is sending a DNA kit to a maternal descendent in Australia in hopes of cementing the link with William Bryan.

"The more I've learned about him, the more I'm attached," said Bryan, who will join 20 family members in Washington. "It doesn't hurt that my father was William Bryan, so that always make it feel that it's pretty personal."

The remains were sent to the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command in Hawaii. They concluded the sailors were white, each was 5-foot-7, and one was 17 to 24 years old while the other was in his 30s. They narrowed the possibilities to six among the 16 Monitor sailors who died.

Forensic anthropologist Robert Mann said the command has not given up hope and is conducting more DNA testing. Genealogists have been able to determine possible descendants for 10 families of the missing 16 sailors.

But while efforts to identify the two continue, "let's lay the men to rest," said David Alberg, superintendent of the Monitor sanctuary.

Alberg ? along with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Maritime Heritage Program and descendants of the surviving Monitor crew members ? have pushed for the Arlington honors.

"It's their final voyage," Alberg said. "They sailed out in 1862 and never made it home, and now they're finally being laid to rest 150 years later."


Steve Szkotak can be reached on Twitter at


The USS Monitor Center at The Mariners' Museum:

Associated Press


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Logitech cuts 5 percent of core staff as part of its shift to mobile

Logitech cuts 5 percent of core staff as part of its shift to mobile

Logitech made clear in January that it was jettisoning weight in a bid to stem losses and focus on more successful technologies like mobile peripherals. Sadly, we're learning today that this also includes cutting jobs. The company is shedding 140 positions, or about 5 percent of its non-manufacturing workforce, as part of a streamlining plan that could save an extra $16 million to $18 million during Logitech's fiscal 2014. While there's no specific timeframe mentioned, it's suggested the layoffs will come quickly when the company may pay up to $14 million to address the cuts during its ongoing fourth quarter. Let's hope those affected land on their feet, and that the savings pay off in the long run.

[Image credit: Coolcaesar, Wikipedia]

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Mariah Carey Recruits Dream Producers For 2013 Album

'American Idol' judge has recruited Hit-Boy, The-Dream and more on her in-the works project.

Mariah Carey
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What All Homeowners Need to Know about Umbrella Insurance ...

Do you need insurance for your insurance? Technically, that is what umbrella insurance is ? additional coverage for your existing homeowner?s and automobile insurance policies. While this type of policy is not right for everyone, umbrella insurance is something that all homeowners should understand in case they reach a point where such a policy becomes prudent.

Umbrella insurance protects you in the event that your homeowner?s or auto insurance cannot cover the costs of an accident you are involved in. In an article entitled ?Umbrella Coverage for Preventing Your Ruin,? The New York Times paints the following scenario ? or rather ? nightmare, as Times writer Joseph Treaster put it.

?Your car skids. You crash into a Mercedes with a highly paid business executive at the wheel. He?s hurt so badly he cannot return to work. A jury awards him millions of dollars and you have to pay it.?

While the chances of this situation may be slim, if such an unfortunate day were to come, would you your assets be safe? If your homeowner?s or auto insurance policy in New Jersey cannot cover the costs of an accident, an umbrella insurance policy could save you from financial ruin. The difference an umbrella insurance policy can make in this situation could be the difference of keeping your life savings, keeping your home, and keeping your salary.

ABC Action News clarifies that while umbrella insurance is most commonly purchased by wealthy individuals, ?not-so-wealthy people also can benefit from the extra coverage if they own a home or condominium with a pool or trampoline, if they own a dog or if they have teenage drivers.?

In the past, umbrella policies were sometimes viewed as ?paranoia insurance.? But today, umbrella policyholders are simply facing the reality that we live in a ?lawsuit-happy society,? as one finance blogger David Bakke explains it. Umbrella insurance, in Bakke?s layman terms, can be viewed as ?lawsuit insurance.?

Umbrella policies are sold in $1 million increments. Since umbrella policies only go into effect when the underlying policies will not suffice, policyholders are required to have a certain amount of liability already in place with auto and homeowner?s policies.

There are a few ways to approach the decision of whether you should pursue an umbrella policy with an independent insurance broker in New Jersey. First, determine your net worth to see if it exceeds $1 million. Next, evaluate your lifestyle, including your place of residence, job, hobbies, and any other factors that increase your risk. Finally, decide how having an umbrella insurance policy in New Jersey will affect your peace of mind.

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Image via Telnov Oleksii / Shutterstock



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